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NYMBLE_DATA Jack B. Nymble Program Data File DO NOT EDIT This file is not designed to be edited. Doing so may cause serious problems. ---Updated #1999-11-19 15:34:45# ---BrandNew ---Version 2.1.1 -=-PData en 60 276 8088 6516 0 0 0 3:00 0 C:\TMP zapfile /9 1 0 0 0 0 5400 7032 0 0 5400 7032 1164 996 8616 6468 0 True True Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:&&(nym lcs)&&(cracker redneck)&&(mccain teatwo)&&&&Broken type-I remailer chains:&&&&Broken type-II remailer chains:&&&& 73 86 75 90 88 49 115 72 8 True False False 1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+^^qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP[{]}^^aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"`~^^zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?\| True False False 1 0 0 0 264 0 0 False Templates (*.TBK; *.NBK; *.TXT)&&Messages (*.BK; *.txt)&&Mixture (*.TBK; *.BK; *.NBK; *.TXT)&&Nym Books (*.NBK)&&Replay Files (*._*)&&Outgoing Mail (*.Q0; *.Q1)&&All (*.*)&& Templates (*.TBK; *.NBK; *.TXT) Messages (*.BK; *.txt) 1 True True False False False 0 0 5736 6468 0 1104 684 8292 7368 0 0 0 2844 1980 1200 36 1116 96 1692 192 1836 420 True True False 0 0 912 144 9180 8124 0 0:00 0 0 True 178 123 154 155 31 6 1 864 396 10020 8268 0 1308 504 5484 6828 =====_End_Part_===== -=-RString $remailer{"arick"} = <arick@arickaree.scd.ucar.edu> "cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek esub inflt50 rhops20 reord klen1000"; $remailer{"bpm"} = "<remailer@bpm.ai> mix"; $remailer{"bruble"} = <bruble@amis.net> "cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp2 remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1024"; $remailer{"cracker"} = <remailer@gacracker.org> "cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord"; $remailer{"doom"} = "<mix@seclab.com> mix middle"; $remailer{"echelon"} = <echelon@presidency.com> "cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp latent ek ekx cut hash repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1000"; $remailer{"exonet"} = <remailer@exonet.org> "cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt10 rhop5 klen49"; $remailer{"fitugmix"} = <mixmaster@fitug.de> "cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post"; $remailer{"foebud"} = <remailer@foebud.org> "cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek esub inflt50 rhops20 reord"; $remailer{"frog"} = <frog@mageos.com> "cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1000"; $remailer{"gondolin"} = <mix@remail.gondolin.org> "cpunk mix remix pgp repgp hash latent cut post ek esub"; $remailer{"hr13"} = <remailer@hr13.zedz.net> "cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen400"; $remailer{"hyper2"} = <mix@hyperreal.art.pl> "cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 post"; $remailer{"lcs"} = <mix@anon.lcs.mit.edu> "mix klen1000"; $remailer{"lefarris"} = <arris@globetrotter.net> "cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1000"; $remailer{"lobemix"} = <mixmaster@lobeda.jena.thur.de> "cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek esub inflt50 rhops20 reord post"; $remailer{"mccain"} = <mccain@notatla.demon.co.uk> "mix middle klen200"; $remailer{"mix"} = <mixmaster@remail.obscura.com> "cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut ek reord klen1000"; $remailer{"noisebox"} = <remailer@noisebox.dhs.org> "cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post"; $remailer{"passthru2"} = "<mixer@immd1.informatik.uni-erlangen.de> mix middle"; $remailer{"replay"} = <remailer@replay.com> "cpunk mix remix pgp repgp hash latent cut post ek esub"; $remailer{"squat"} = <mixmaster@squat.net> "cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek esub inflt50 rhops20 post klen64"; $remailer{"squirrel"} = <mix@squirrel.owl.de> "cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post"; $remailer{"superrem"} = <superrem@topmail.de> "cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop3 klen500"; $remailer{"teatwo"} = <teatwo@notatla.demon.co.uk> "cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix repgp latent hash cut ek esub post klen976"; $remailer{"tempest"} = "<tempest@gamebox.net> mix post middle"; $remailer{"passthru"} = "<mixer@immd1.informatik.uni-erlangen.de> mix middle"; $remailer{"privacy"} = "<remailer@privacy.nb.ca> mix"; $remailer{"cannabis"} = <cannabis.anon@hotpop.com> "cpunk middle pgp latent ek cut hash post repgp reord ext max test inflt32 klen128"; $remailer{"flash"} = <remailer@flashmail.com> "cpunk pgp repgp hash latent cut post ek esub klen64"; $remailer{"fnulnu"} = <fnulnu@pobox.com> "cpunk middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx cut hash post repgp reord ext max test inflt32 rhop10 klen125"; $remailer{"gretchen"} = <gretchen@neuropa.net> "cpunk pgp pgponly latent ek ekx cut hash post repgp ext max test inflt75 rhop6 klen1000"; $remailer{"nym"} = <config@nym.alias.net> "newnym pgp klen1000"; =====_End_Part_===== -=-RemStats 300 Generated: Thu 18 Nov 1999 21:15:59 GMT foebud 1101?1112110 :34 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% frog 0001?1100000 :14 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% gondolin 1000?1000011 :20 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% gretchen 1111?1111131 1:06 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% hr13 933A?4AA5467 5:45 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% hyper2 0000?0000000 :06 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% lefarris ???????????1 :26 ???????????+ 100.0% noisebox ??????????01 :11 ??????????++ 100.0% replay 00???0080010 :55 ++???+++++++ 100.0% squirrel 3233?5743232 2:38 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% widow 4443?4344DE8 10:52 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% arick 1412?3122132 1:33 ++++?+++++8+ 96.6% bruble BEB8?AABCABB 14:03 ++++?++++++5 96.6% fitugmix 312A?4312222 2:16 ++++?++++++5 96.6% lobemix 1228?1B13211 1:51 ++++?7++++++ 96.6% mix 7D9C?A2A3B32 8:46 ++++?++++7++ 96.6% cannabis CBDB?B?EECD7 22:28 ++++?+05++++ 93.3% cracker 2233?2232213 1:42 ++++?++++7+5 93.3% exonet 0363?0003231 1:45 ++++?+++67+5 89.9% nitemare 9BAA?754F9A8 11:31 ++++?7+++5+5 86.6% flash ?6HH?EGC688? 22:40 ?++5?+++++40 77.7% fnulnu 5??????79D55 10:09 +00????++++5 77.2% echelon A457?63???43 5:15 ++++?++000++ 76.9% squat ?????0001000 :10 0000?7++++++ 66.6% teatwo CBBB?C?BFBB? 17:34 3+++?70+3520 53.3% superrem EDHH?HG????? 49:11 ++++?++00000 46.6% Generated: Thu 18 Nov 1999 21:15:59 GMT arick 1612?7022223 2:21 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% bpm 1110?1101121 :40 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% frog 0001?1100000 :15 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% gondolin 0000?1010011 :20 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% hyper2 0010?1000010 :13 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% lcs 1121?1232214 1:18 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% lefarris ???????????1 :26 ???????????+ 100.0% mix 9DAF?A3B5B32 11:25 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% noisebox ??????????01 :20 ??????????++ 100.0% passthru2 1329?3114222 2:03 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% replay 00???0080010 :56 ++???+++++++ 100.0% squirrel 4131?3444231 2:21 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% swiss 2113?1022122 1:02 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% widow 0161?4021012 1:12 ++++?+++++++ 100.0% bruble BDB8?AABCBAB 14:11 ++++?++++++5 96.6% hr13 3864?A6A4745 5:54 ++++?++++++5 96.6% lobemix 1218?1B12010 1:36 ++++?7++++++ 96.6% cracker 3221?1223222 1:38 ++++?7+++7++ 93.3% exonet 0363?3016541 2:56 ++++?++++7+5 93.3% fitugmix 3159?241222? 2:08 ++++?++++++0 93.3% foebud 1102?11111?? :37 ++++?++++700 73.3% echelon 545B?A5???73 6:50 ++++?++0005+ 69.2% doom 202??1A32932 2:36 65+0?5++65+5 66.6% squat ?????0001000 :11 0000?7++++++ 66.6% superrem EDHH?FG????? 42:36 ++++?++00000 46.6% nowhere 68B2?32??53? 4:15 355+?2+00560 40.9% teatwo C?AA?B?A?BB? 13:41 60++?5050520 40.9% mccain ??EB?GH?F??? 37:03 00+5?5+06000 26.6% =====_End_Part_===== -=-KeepDate 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM =====_End_Part_=====